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nvim:Error while reading ShaDa file there is an item at position 270498 that must not be there Missing itemsare for internal uses only


今天打开SpaceVim 的时候提示错误:

Error while reading ShaDa file: there is an item at position 270498 that must not be there: Missing itemsare for internal uses only

并且发现只要一旦打开了vimfile这个插件问题就开始提示。继续按下 Enter 会开始提示vim配置上具体哪一行的错误。


nvim github上有相似的问题: #6875 ,实际上配置上并没有什么错误。

按照git上所说我们在终端运行 nvim -u NONE -V得到输出信息:

$ nvim -u NONE -V
Reading ShaDa file "/Users/kevin/.local/share/nvim/shada/main.shada" info marks oldfiles
E576: Error while reading ShaDa file: there is an item at position 270498 that must not be there: Missing items are for internal uses only
Press ENTER or type command to continue

我们得到的输出信息也许不同不过我们只要移除 .local/nvim/shada/main.shada ,完美工作。
